Tulsa Community College

Tulsa Community College

Over the years, Day Translations, Inc. has earned the distinction of being a top-notch language services provider for individuals, organizations, corporations and global communities not only in the United States but in many parts of the world as well.

We have been blessed by the continued support of satisfied clients. We express our thanks for our continuous success by giving back to the community, and partnering with institutions for higher education. We always believe that education is greatly important, not only in one’s life but also in business, especially the business we are in.

In support of our community programs, we proudly announce our partnership with Tulsa Community College (TCC), providing its students, staff and faculty members a 10 percent discount on all their translation and interpreting requirements. We offer translation of regular and personal documents, immigration requirements, academic evaluation, and translations of books, journals and manuals, dissertations, thesis and emails. We can also provide interpreting services for the international community during conferences, conventions and commemoration of international festivals.

tulsa community college

Tulsa Community College is located in Tulsa, Oklahoma. It was founded in 1970 to serve the higher education needs of Oklahoma’s second largest city.

It is the largest two-year college in the state of Oklahoma and serves about 30,000 students each semester. TCC offers several programs to prepare graduates for many fields with a high demand such as veterinary technology, computer information systems, information technology, engineering, allied health and nursing. It is the first in the country to grant associate degrees to Native Americans and puts emphasis on a multicultural curriculum.

International students at TCC speak several languages, including Arabic, Chinese, Hindi, French, Vietnamese, Korean and Spanish. With such a diverse student body, translation and interpreting services are needed. Day Translations, Inc. is always ready to serve the language services needs of the faculty, student and staff of Tulsa Community College. We are open 24/7 and all you need to avail of the discount is to send us an email at contact@daytranslations.com and provide us with proof of your association with Tulsa Community College.