El Salvador

Information about the Salvadoran Flag: Colors and Meaning of the Flag of El Salvador

The Republic of El Salvador’s flag has blue and white for its main colors. Two bands of blue are placed one at the top and one at the bottom of the flag. The bands run horizontally and are of equal size to the white band that is placed in the middle, between the two bands of blue. The design of the flag, with a proportion of 189 inches for its width and 335 inches for its length was patterned after the flag used in 1823 by the United Provinces of Central America when they gained independence from Spain. Centrally located on the white band is the coat of arms of El Salvador. The circular design of the coat of arms has the words Republica de El Salvador en la America Central on its outer edge, painted in yellow color. The flag was formally used on May 17, 1912.

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